Have you already heard of Harucon?

As in many other countries, Japanese pop culture conventions have found appeal in the German-speaking world and so too in every province in Austria. From Aninite to Aniwest, a convention can be found in almost every province, offering fans of the scene the opportunity to network with like-minded people and take a break from the typical daily grind. 

Of course, such an event can also be found in the southernmost part of Austria!

HaruCon <3

However, how did this come about? 

Did Carinthian fans of the scene come together and simply said: "Kärntn braucht des ah und des moch ma jetzt!"


Of course, HaruCon didn't exist directly in the size format in which it now takes place, but where can you find the beginnings of the most popular con in Carinthia?

In 2014, a group of friends got together and decided it was time to host an event in Carinthia as well for the sake of Japanese pop culture, and thus Kanma Days (Kanma as in Kärnten Anime and Manga) started. Annually there were these small theme days, which took place over the course of Saturdays over the following 3 years, until finally all from the local community in Carinthia pulled together and in June 2017 for the first time the Harucon on the legs and this despite blood, sweat and tears became a huge success.

Ohne unsere Mentoren Without our mentors - - the youth center K2 [kwadr.at] - to whom we are incredibly grateful, who have accompanied us and stood by us since day 1, it would never have become such a great success.

Likewise, HaruCon enjoyed great growth in 2018 and 2019, and even though the difficult years of the pandemic threw a spanner in the works, we have once again realized how much we have already anchored HaruCon in the Austrian region, despite our numerous visitors, and we are grateful for every single person who spends the convention with us every year.

Thanks to all visitors and helping hands and here's to many more years in history!